Get quote requests from your website
Let prospects send you quote requests directly from your e-commerce or non-e-commerce website and increase the conversion rate.
Embeds made easy for any website
Quick integration and flexible solution working out of the box.
Maximize sales opportunities
Dealia is a deal-making hub for you and your customer

Product contact forms
Assign Dealia custom-built forms to products of your choice to collect prospects’ requirements and necessary data for preparing a quote.
The quote button
Let prospects ask for a price of a single product or multiple products at once.
“Found a better price somewhere else?” button
Add a button to your product page or any other page encouraging prospects to let you know where they have found a better product offer.
Quote submission
Get notified by email once the prospect sends you a quote request. All requests are visible in the admin panel. Prospect receives the submission confirmation email with the summary of the quoted products.
Negotiate using the Dealia communication system and win deals. Send a transaction link to the customers once the offer is accepted by them for easy and quick deal closure.
Don’t let prospects choose your competition
“Found a better price elsewhere” is a great solution for e-commerce businesses. It gives you an opportunity to:
Provide a more competitive price
This will make your offer a number one choice for a potential customer.
Learn more about your competition
Prospects will provide you with data about your competition so you can discover the new business opportunities and improve your product offer.
Win new customers
Adapting to new prices and meeting customers’ expectations can be rewarding as you can get a new regular customer.