Quote Management Software

Close deals faster, easier, better

Add Get a Quote button anywhere on your website to Receive Quote Requests (multi quotes and single quotes).
Send quotes, negotiate via Deal Room and complete transactions - all in one place.
Create unlimited custom Forms and add them to any page.

Check any of your pages with our Quote Button and Form:

Get Quote Requests - WooCommerce Get Quote Requests - Shopify Get Quote Requests - Wix Get Quote Requests - Squarespace Get Quote Requests - WordPress

Works with any Custom Website

Get Quote Requests
Dealia worldwide

Dealia processes over a million quote requests and quotes monthly for the clients in over 90 countries.

Grow your business with Dealia

Discover our innovative Quote Management Software that streamlines your sales process.

Get quote requests directly from your website

Quickly add a 'Get a quote' button to any page and start receiving quote requests from prospects interested in your product or service.

dealia embed button

Receive instant notifications for new quote requests

Don't keep prospects waiting and easily respond to their quote requests directly from the Dealia panel.

receive notifications on quote

Design custom forms tailored to your needs

Create custom product contact forms with our intuitive form builder and assign them to quotable products.

build forms

Send error-free quotes and negotiate seamlessly with prospects using our Deal Room feature.

Save time and eliminate the avalanche of back-and-forth emails that are hard to follow. Keep the entire negotiation with the prospect well-organized in one place.

negotiate prices

Collect valuable feedback directly from your prospects.

Learn their needs using Deal Room. Receive accept or reject responses, along with optional comments and counter-offers.

get feedback from customers

Seal deals and finalize transactions efficiently.

Automatically send your clients the payment link where the transaction can be completed. Dealia integrates with PayPal, and more integrations are coming.

pay online after the deal is made
embed a quote button
get notification
create custom forms
negotiate online
get feedback from customers
close deals

Win more with Dealia

Gain more prospects

Use Dealia embed button and forms to easily connect through your website with prospects interested in your products and services.

Increase customer base

Get more requests with Dealia and increase a chance to gain new customers.

Boost sales

Attract more customers with competitive pricing on bulk orders using our user-friendly software. Enhance your sales strategy and increase profitability.

improve sales

Save more time and effort

save time

Get feedback

Listen to your prospects and customers, understand their needs, and tailor your offers accordingly for a better chance at closing deals.

Speed up sales process

Accelerate your deal closures with Dealia's Deal Room, making the process faster and easier than ever.

Improve lead response time

Effortlessly respond to prospects' requests with Dealia's quick offer tool. Receive immediate notifications as soon as new requests arrive.

Easy to use


Quick and easy integration with your e-commerce or non-ecommerce website.


Once you sign up it's easy to move around the admin panel.


If you need any help there is a knowledgebase and support team to help you.

Try Dealia for free.

No credit card required.
