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Form builder components explained

Form components are all the types of fields that can be added to the quote form allowing you to get the needed information from your customers. Below articles describe how to use them.

Below is the list of all the components together with the short description.

Form components.

Autocomplete – the text field that allows you to add many answer options that display as an autocomplete option.

Checkbox Group – the choice of possible answers in a form of a checkbox. Customers can check the correct answer.

Checkbox Group

Date Field – field with the calendar, allowing your customer to choose the date.

Date field.

Header – text field formatted as header. Can be added as the title at the top of the form.

Number – value field allowing to add any number. Useful if the customer needs to provide the custom sizes etc.

Quantity – mandatory field that should include the quantity of the product needed.

Paragraph – text field where you can shortly describe something to the customer.

Radio Group – similar to checkbox, the choice of possible answers.

Radio group component

Select – drop down menu with the choice of possible answers from which customer can choose one answer.

Select drop down menu.

Text field – field where a customer can provide their answer in a form of short text.

Text area – text field that allows to provide more text than text field. Customers can enter multiple lines of text, such as descriptions.

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